Director Message


Making MBA investment worth it, is our goal !!!

By: Dr. Abdul Ahad, Director, Central India College of Business Management & Studies.

A great full-time early career MBA experience can be a positive turning point in a student’s career. It can launch one’s professional career and lead to dramatic career transitions. And the Return on Investment (ROI) from the growth attained in the MBA does not stop with one’s first post-MBA position. It continues throughout one’s career as one enjoys more job opportunities, more career satisfaction, more flexibility, and greater earning potential.

The ROI value of an MBA is well documented. In fact, Central India College of Business Management & Studies (CICBMS) alumni consistently show a high rate of satisfaction with their MBA experience as it relates to personal development, career opportunities, career satisfaction, and salary. At CICBMS, we ensure that the time, money, and energy our student’s invest in their MBA experience will help them reach their goals. At CICBMS, we ensure our value added programs are designed to meet different goals for every student. A match between one’s goal and program type is the first step in ensuring one’s MBA ROI. .

We at CICBMS know it very well that, career opportunities will be determined not by student’s MBA credential alone, but on the new skills and knowledge the student develops while he/she earns the degree. Our full-time MBA program emphasizes breadth and depth of knowledge, experiential learning, internships, networking, and career services. Although many MBA programs admit early career students, only a handful are actually designed for early career students.

At CICBMS, we take special care so that students participate fully in all aspects of the MBA program. A great MBA experience is about much more than knowledge. Knowledge is a given (it must be developed), but what makes a student a successful MBA student and professional is the ability to build his/her  knowledge and the professional tools needed to help organizations and people meet their missions.

Students of Central India College of Business Management & Studies apart from regular internships  are made to undergo special sessions  with Expert Counselors and Industry HR’s to help them build their resumes, to develop student’s network and professional tools by participating in networking, mentoring and leadership programs. Student’s are also encouraged to be active team members by giving regular  presentations, communicating  with others, and the student’s are made to push themselves outside their  comfort zone to build new tools.